Friday, November 29, 2013

Ninjago Birthday Give-away Kit

Just recently, my elder son celebrated his 7th birthday. It was themed after his favorite Ninjago characters. I was able to come up with this semi-cloth-wrapped give-away kit with a ninja-ish ballpen-sword as accent.

The cloth part of the package, supposed to be evocative of the traditional Japanese wrapping called Furoshiki was designed to later double as ninja headband; it was an instant hit among his classmates...

...but the best part is, my son thought I was clever.

Ninjago Birthday Give-away Kit

I got lucky to have found this novelty item from a local store, not exactly the Ninjago weapon but did the job fairly well.
Wrapping the cloth is very simple but the idea is to make it really neat.

And they come in other Ninjago colors too.

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